Community Kitchen
Our Community Kitchen is located at 646 South 7th St. on the corner of Shawnee Ave and 7th Street. Meals are provided in our dining room at no charge.

- Sack Lunches (7-8AM)
- Breakfast (8-9AM)
- Lunch (11AM-1PM)
Emergency Showers: Monday-Friday (6:30-8:30AM)
Community Market

Visit our campus during the times listed below and follow the signs to enter the Community Market in the Food Distribution building.
To receive food, you must bring your identification AND proof of Wyandotte County residence.
9AM-12PM & 1PM-3PM
Friday: CLOSED
After visiting our Community Market, you must wait at least 60 days to visit again. Currently, our Community Market is only assisting residents of Wyandotte County. If you are not a Wyandotte County resident, please call United Way (dial 211) and ask for your nearest food distributor.
Some house cleaning and hygiene items are also available at our Community Market.
*The Community Market does not make deliveries of groceries to households.*